Star Wars ‘The Acolyte’ trailer reactions — the good, the bad and the cautiously optimistic

 Star Wars "The Acolyte" on Disney Plus.
Star Wars "The Acolyte" on Disney Plus.

The first trailer for 'The Acolyte' just dropped and wow, does this "Star Wars" show have us divided. The new Disney Plus TV show set in the High Republic era may not be coming until June 4 but our arguing in the office started the second the trailer ended.

Our reactions ran a full run of emotions too. Some of us were excited to see lightsabers, force wielders fighting and a Wookie Jedi sighting. Others thought there was a lot of bad fight choreography and even worse dialogue — more of the same bad "Star Wars" we've been getting. And some of us split the difference, knowing we've been hurt before but intrigued to see Disney finally leave the Skywalker saga behind.

As for my take on the trailer? Well, you can read my reaction to this first trailer for "The Acolyte" and see for yourself (or, watch the TikTok!). But the short version is I'm simply relieved that we're exploring a new part of a galaxy far, far away. Here's the rest of the Tom's Guide team's first reactions to the trailer, from the good to the bad to the cautiously optimistic.

Star Wars 'The Acolyte' trailer — the good

It’s about time the Jedi were given their due on screen, instead of being killed off at every available opportunity. So color me cautiously optimistic about where "The Acolyte" is going, and how they’re going to explore the golden age of the order. At the very least I’m happy to see lightsabers that aren’t the standard RGB coloring of the original trilogies, and that one of the Jedi is a Wookiee. There’s never a bad time to see a Wookiee on screen.

Star Wars
Star Wars

"The Acolyte" looks to take "Star Wars" into a whole new direction, one far removed from the issues plaguing the Skywalker era and I'm all in for this intimate look at the High Republic. We'll see if it can stick the landing, but its first trailer seems promising  —  and drenched in the dark side.

I’m glad Carrie-Anne Moss is kicking ass in this trailer and now she has Force push to back up her martial arts moves. We don’t get to see the evil villain off-screen controlling their lightsaber to mow down Jedi potentially, but I like that it’s a mystery who it is for now. In fact, I’ve never seen so many lightsabers on screen at once — and I’m okay with that.

Star Wars 'The Acolyte' trailer — the bad

Star Wars
Star Wars

I’ve spent the last few years wishing Star Wars would move beyond the Skywalker family and the Galactic Empire that has dominated the franchise for decades. On paper, "The Acolyte" should be everything I want, and yet the first trailer hasn’t sold me. Between the unimpressive fight choreography — the bar brawl looks very wooden — and the cheesy dialogue (“this is about power” had me rolling my eyes), I’m getting a big "Obi-Wan Kenobi" vibe from this latest Disney Plus original show. And that’s not a compliment…

After over a decade of lackluster Disney "Star Wars" content — especially everything after season 2 of "The Mandalorian" on Disney Plus — it’s hard to drum up enthusiasm for "The Acolyte." I know some are excited by what we saw in the new trailer, but the random Jedi with their multi-colored lightsabers, the questionable special effects and tired old lines about the Force haven’t inspired a new hope for the franchise. This looks about as dull as "Star Wars" gets, which is saying a lot given the subpar offerings we’ve been subjected to over the years. Count me out of this one.

Star Wars 'The Acolyte' trailer — the 'cautiously optimistic'

I’m intrigued! At the least, I’m glad to see another “Star Wars” show featuring new faces and new places. Like “Andor” (which admittedly has a few established characters), “The Acolyte” looks darker and grittier than the usual “Star Wars” fare. Count me in to watch the first two episodes.

Star Wars
Star Wars

I’m cautiously optimistic. Like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I have a bit of "Star Wars" fatigue, even though I’ll watch anything Lucasfilm puts out.

A lot will hinge on the plot, though. “Jedi work to uncover a sinister plot by a lurking villain" has been done many times already, so I hope we have a fresh take on things. Also — this takes place 100 years before "Star Wars: Epsiode I - The Phantom Menace," but the Jedi are still wearing the same clothes? Seems odd.

I know I've said it multiple times now, but I'm just so relieved that we're moving away from the Skywalker saga. That story has seemingly been milked dry and I'm done trying to go back to that particular well. So for better or worse, give me 100 versions of "The Acolyte" over another Skywalker-adjacent tale, even though I privately had nearly convinced myself to skip this show after "Star Wars" burned me time and time again with shows like "Ahsoka" and "The Mandalorian."

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