Paris Attacks

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    Dylan Stableford

    Marco Rubio releases first TV ad: ‘What happened in Paris could happen here’

    Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has released the first television ad of his Republican presidential campaign, warning Americans that terror attacks like the ones that happened in Paris could happen in the United States. “What happened in Paris could happen here.” “There is no middle ground,” the GOP candidate continues. These are radical terrorists who want to kill us, because we let women drive, because we let girls go to school.” He adds: “I’m Marco Rubio. Meanwhile, most voters trust former Secre

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    Jenna Birch

    Social-Media Shaming: Why Were We So Quick to Judge Posts About the Paris Attacks?

    Your friends probably posted status updates or re-grammed images and illustrations of Paris (like the Peace for Paris image by artist Jean Jullien) to make known their love for the city and shock at the horrifying events that happened there. Some seem to see the action as mindlessly trendy, being ignorant of terrorist attacks in other, non-Western cities and countries (see: bombing in Beirut the day before the Paris attacks, or the attack in Kenya in April), and being useless in creating any so

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    Dylan Stableford

    Josh Earnest spars with ‘Fox & Friends’ host Elisabeth Hasselbeck over Obama’s response to Paris attacks

    As Wednesday’s raid in Saint-Denis was unfolding, White House press secretary Josh Earnest appeared on “Fox & Friends” to defend the Obama administration’s response to last week’s deadly terror attacks in Paris. And co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck pressed Earnest on what she described as Secretary of State John Kerry’s and President Barack Obama’s “aloof, apathetic and quite cavalier” reactions to the events in France. “Josh, let me ask you this,” Hasselbeck said. “Following this initial attack in

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    Dylan Stableford

    Governors in at least 15 states say they will welcome Syrian refugees

    Syrian refugees arrive on the Greek island of Lesbos last month. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee says his state will welcome refugees from the war-torn region and cautioned his fellow governors not to give in to “fear,” “hate” and “divisiveness.” “I think our nation is tested from time to time, and I think this is one of those times,” Inslee, a Democrat, told NPR. “The country has always been a place of refuge for those who are persecuted.” Inslee was among the governors who took part in a conferen

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    Michael Isikoff

    ‘We did not know about an active plot,’ U.S. ambassador to France tells Yahoo News

    French police enter the Eglise Neuve church after smashing the door as they secure the area during an operation in Saint-Denis, near Paris, on Nov. 18. Hartley also confirmed in an interview with Yahoo News that a team of FBI agents has arrived in Paris to assist with the unfolding investigation that led this morning to a raid by French police in which two suspected terrorists were killed and seven arrested. “We did not know about an active plot,” said Hartley, describing how she had been out

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    Newser on Yahoo

    Pregnant Woman From Bataclan Attack Survived, Says Her Rescuer

    This Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, frame grab from video provided by Le Monde, shows the scene outside the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, as gunmen attacked it. A man identified only as Sebastien says he was forced to crawl across bodies while trying to escape the theater and came across two windows. Sebastien says he climbed through the other window and clung to a vent about 50 feet above the ground.? "I held on for five minutes and then the pregnant woman, who was exhausted, asked me to help her g

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    Dylan Stableford

    Trump’s plan to solve refugee crisis: ‘In Syria, take a big swatch of land ... build a big beautiful safe zone’

    Donald Trump speaks during a campaign stop in Knoxville, Tenn., on Monday. “And I said — you probably saw a couple weeks ago — I’m looking at this migration, it’s a terrible thing — I have a tremendous heart, I want to take care of people — you look at this migration, I said to my wife the other day: ‘You know, they seem like so many men.’” President Obama’s plan includes a 12- to 18-month security screening process for refugees seeking to enter the United States. Earlier Monday, Cruz announce

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    Hunter Walker

    Sanders aide pushes back against CBS switch to foreign policy focus for debate

    A staffer for one of the other campaigns who was also on the call described the exchange to Yahoo News as “heated” and even “bizarre,” and a second source on the call confirmed the nature of the exchange.? The dispute centered on CBS’s?decision to increase the emphasis on terrorism, foreign policy, and national security in the wake of the attacks that left more than 100 people dead in Paris on Friday night. According to the rival staffer, Sanders strategist Mark Longabaugh lit into CBS vice pre

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