That Moment When You Realize You’ve Become a State of the Union Meme

President Barack Obama’s 2016 State of the Union speech was great. Definitely at least as great as last year’s. And maybe even equally as great as the one the year before that. Just great stuff.
Of course, in the age of the Internet and short attention spans, the president and his speech are only half of the focus of the SOTU broadcast. Our attention — and more importantly the attention of quick-witted meme makers on Twitter — now spreads to the noble guests and members of Congress in attendance for the event. Senators, presidential candidates, even the distinguished VP and speaker of the House — if you wind up on camera, you’re not safe from becoming the butt of an Internet meme.
So here we present some of the best memes posted during the 2016 State of the Union, with apologies in particular to Paul D. Ryan.
When you see “No hookups” in her @Tinder bio
— Juan Hustle (@JuanHustle)
Forty minutes into #SOTU and @LindseyGrahamSC gives you these looks
— The Interim (@85thLegislature)
That moment you realize you didn’t wear any pants to the #SOTU
— CLT (@CLT_Reb)
That face when you realize that Donald Trump might be the next guy to give this speech… #leydensotu
— Romeel Adde (@Romeel_7_Trap)
When something good happens to your frenemy #SOTU
— Gabriella Paiella (@GMPaiella)
When your manager at Jo-Ann Fabrics ask you to stay another hour #SOTU
— Ira Madison III (@ira)
When you already have your #SOTU address written a year early.
— ATTN: (@attn)
When you tap someone on the shoulder and they fall for it and then they turn the other way and realize it was you
— Riley Roberson (@rileysroberson)
When you’re having fun at the #SOTU but also your hat is statring to feel heavy
— Anna Swartz (@Anna_Snackz)
when you thought the dress code was casual and you show up to see everyone’s wearing a suit
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono)
When you just wanna go home but you realize you’re probably gonna have to do a photo op with Kim Davis after this
— Kristin Chirico (@lolacoaster)
“When your State of the Union is so lit Thomas Jefferson travels into the future to hear.” @BarackObama #SOTU
— Eduardo Samaniego (@Ed_Samaniego)
When your card get declined on a date
— Lamborghini Lawry (@LawryHudson)
When your fries are cold.
— Sereita N. Cobbs (@snco)
RT @FunnyNbaGuy: When you spend a ton of money on @Lakers tickets and you find out @kobebryant isn’t playing
— jamalbryant (@jamalhbryant)
When you step in a wet spot in your socks
— Rocky Maivia (@AJFrancis410)
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