‘The $100,000 Pyramid’ First Look: Leslie Jones Struggles With Kinky Clues

Leslie Jones knows she’s better than this.

The Saturday Night Live star is a celebrity guest on The $100,000 Pyramid, which begins its second season on Sunday. And while she’s an ace in comedic sketches — who doesn’t love her visits to “Weekend Update”? — she struggles when it comes to providing clues about “Items You Can Buy at the Gift Shop of New York Museum of Sex.” Things start to go wrong with the fourth item, “Oil.”

“It’s not lotion, but it’s…” Jones begins, to which Dominic guesses, “Cream? K-Y?” Jones’s reaction is priceless.

And before she knows it, her time runs out. “That was the worst!” Jones yells in frustration. “I give so much better!” Oh, we know you do, Leslie, we know you do.

The $100,000 Pyramid season 2 premieres Sunday at 10 p.m. on ABC.

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