'Orange Is the New Black' Trailer: Too Many Inmates, Too Few Guards, But Just the Right Amount of Crazy (Eyes)

It’s just a little more than a month away: Orange Is the New Black Season 4. And thanks to this exclusive trailer, we’re finally getting a more detailed idea of what the Litchfieldians will be up to on Netflix this season. Some hints from the video:

00:01-00:12 – Black Cindy (Adrienne C. Moore) is encouraging her pals Crazy Eyes (Uzo Aduba) and Poussey (Samira Wiley) to make a power play. “Look at Obama. He got to be President, so now the rest of us get to be…”

“In prison,” Suzanne answers.

Netflix’s official season description promises that the overcrowded prison (thanks to the influx of new inmates that arrived via bus in the Season 3 finale) “undergoes an unprecedented culture war,” so Black Cindy may be banding her friends together to stake their claim to a piece of Litchfield turf.

00:14-00:22 – Piper (Taylor Schilling) was feeling pretty badass at the end of last season, when she took definitive charge of the panty biz, but she’s telling someone she has “started to feel unsafe, lately.” Given that she’s making lots of cash off her fellow inmates’ handiwork, and has always been a polarizing personality, this does not come as a surprise.

00:22-00:32 – Taystee (Danielle Brooks) has a new job… as Caputo’s (Nick Sandow) secretary. Managing the multi-line phone in his office appears to throw her at first, but you know there’s no way the very clever Taystee isn’t going to find a way to make her new gig an advantage for her and her friends.

00:33-00:41 – Those new prisoners? There’s more than 100 of them, and no room or beds for them, so they appear to be unhappily hanging out in the crowded cafeteria. “Culture” may not be the only kind of war that breaks out with that many people vying for every square inch of personal space. “There’s a lot of danger lurking around the corner this season,” Selenis “Gloria Mendoza” Leyva told The Huffington Post. “My heart was beating fast for the six months we were shooting.”

Related: ‘OITNB’ Season 4 Photos: Are the Ladies Headed Into War?

00:42-00:46 – Poussey has made a new friend in new inmate Judy King (Blair Brown), a domestic doyenne and TV star who used to have a lifestyle show (Judy King at Home) and now has a new home at Litchfield (tax evasion charges).

00:46-00:54 – The plethora of prisoners has left warden Caputo with a dearth of COs to watch over them, and worst news of all: that lack of COs has apparently allowed Charlie “Donuts” Coates (James McMenamin) — the guard who raped Pennsatucky (Taryn Manning) — to keep his job.

00:54-00:58 – Is that Alex Vause’s (Laura Prepon) voiceover we hear asking someone if they can keep secrets? Netflix has already confirmed that Prepon is back for Season 4, and we’re also happy to see that Red (Kate Mulgrew) is back and right in the middle of things, professing her love of secrets.

00:59-01:00 – Sophia (Laverne Cox) is still in the SHU? Why is Caputo just standing there looking at her, instead of getting her out?

01:04-01:11 – “I am going to bury you!” Maria Ruiz (Jessica Pimental) says after she goes charging towards Piper. Selenis Leyva, who plays Gloria, also told The Huffington Post, “I think [Season 4] is going to be one of the most talked about seasons. There’s a lot more conflict, there’s division amongst the groups more than ever. This is the season of the rise of the Latinas and there’s a lot of conflict within that.”

01:14-01:27 – “Everybody gettin’ on each other’s nerves… sh*t’s gonna get stirred,” Poussey predicts, and that certainly seems to be true with Red and the big dude she’s eyeballin’ in the next scene; Lolly (Lori Petty), who’s worried “they” can just wipe “us” out; and Black Cindy, who warns a new inmate, “We bought a house and moved in, bitch. And now, I’m remodeling the kitchen.”

01:35-01:46 – Healy (Michael J. Harney) looks on at what we assume is the chaos around him, while a new guard says, “They hate me, I hate them. The relationship is simple,” and another new guard gets right in Maritza’s (Diane Guerrero) face.

01:48-01:49 – Why is Red sobbing?

01:54 – Crazy Eyes and Brook Soso (Kimiko Glenn) are still a thang. Might this new love inspire further installments of Suzanne’s popular erotica series, The Time Hump Chronicles?

02:05 – Why is Crazy Eyes in a hospital bed?! Who allowed this to happen?

Orange Is the New Black Season 4 premieres June 17 on Netflix