Rachel Dolezal's Brother Refutes Her Claims
Ezra Dolezal, the brother of former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal, was on Fox and Friends Tuesday to discuss her claims of identifying as a black woman, even though she is white. Ezra, who was adopted by Rachel's parents, pointed out what he thinks is an inconsistency in his sister's story, saying, "Originally what she was saying was that she was not identifying herself as being black. Now she did say that she was always black."
The conversation then transitioned to Ezra and Rachel's parents, and how Rachel had been claiming one of her former co-workers, who is African-American, was actually her real father. "I mean it's one thing to say someone is your father figure but saying someone is your biological father, that’s two different things," Ezra said.
But through it all, it appears that Ezra only wants the best for his family, including his sister Rachel. When asked if he loves his sister, Ezra quickly responded, "Yeah, yeah."