‘The Daily Show’ Mocks Rachel Dolezal With Racially Ambiguous Correspondent

On The Daily Show, the subject of Rachel Dolezal was back on the table. A former NAACP leader in Spokane, Wash., Dolezal is a white woman famously known for pretending to be black. Dolezal recently changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo and has a new book out called In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World.

Noah brought out comedian Michelle Wolf, a racially ambiguous writer, to shed some light on what it’s like, as a white woman, to be perceived as black. Despite straddling two worlds, at least in some people’s perception, Wolf had no desire to pull a Dolezal, saying, “Black isn’t just a club you can join.” She went on to say, “I know I’m white, I can cry myself out of a parking ticket. Hell, I can cry myself out of a murder charge.”

On the subject of blackness, Wolf had no desire to claim it, but she couldn’t poke fun at her own racial ambiguity, saying “I am the only person in the world who looks like a combo of both Annies.”

The Daily Show airs weeknights at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central.

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