Watch the Cast of ‘Girls’ Play ‘Who Said It?’

Here at Yahoo TV, one of the things we love most about HBO’s Girls, is the witty, hilarious, yet relatable dialogue.
So for your viewing pleasure, in the video above we played a round of “Who Said It” with the cast of the hit HBO comedy to see how well they really know each other. We ask cast members Jemima Kirke (Jessa), Zosia Mamet (Shoshanna), Alex Karpovsky (Ray), Jake Lacy (Fran), and Jenni Konner (executive producer), to identify which Girls character said a line of dialogue, using heads on sticks to indicate their choice.
Even though Zosia said, “I’m going to be so bad at this game” and Jenni said, “I’m going to get everything wrong,” all in all, they did pretty good!
Watch the video below to hear Jenni Konner and Lena Dunham talk about the season 4 finale.
Girls Airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO.