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JAN 20 - FEB 18

The Good Life

There’s a fabulous focus on your sector of leisure and fun, Aquarius, with the sun, lovely Venus, and upbeat Jupiter encouraging you to relax and enjoy life. This is a great time to learn new skills, take up hobbies, or hone talents that you’re already good at. Enjoy anything that challenges you mentally and keeps you interested. You’ll also be ready to make new friends. If a romance does begin, it will be with someone who’s fascinating to talk to because you share a wonderful mental rapport.

There’s a chatty new moon in Gemini on June 6 that could coincide with an idea you’d like to invest in. Don’t let doubts get in the way. This could be one of the best things you’ve done in a while, and even if it takes a little more money than you can afford, it looks like it could well be worth it.

Feisty Mars powers into your home zone on the eighth, and like a new broom will sweep clean those dusty corners and inspire you to clear out the clutter. The coming six weeks could see quite a transformation in your domestic situation.

However, the focus shifts to the sign of Cancer and your lifestyle sector when lovely Venus moves in on June 16, followed by Mercury on June 17 and the sun on June 20. You’ll be more sensitive to what helps you move forward and what doesn’t, especially when it comes to your lifestyle. It’s time to change whatever isn’t working. You might also find that getting some daily exercise like swimming, gentle walking, or doing yoga does you a world of good.

Finally, the full moon in Capricorn angles toward ethereal Neptune on the twenty-first, so beware of illusions hidden in the misty outposts of your mind. Your perceptions could be skewed, so try to avoid making major decisions at this time, especially those associated with finances.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe