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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, you’ll feel charming, bright, and optimistic.?

This is a power week for you, kicking off on Sunday, February 2 with the moon in your sign, receiving good vibes from both the sun in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Gemini. Love planet Venus enters Aries on Monday Feb 3, bringing a boost to the area of your life that rules your physical appearance. From now until March 1 when Venus starts its retrograde in your sign,? you’ll come across as more charming and approachable. Schedule your beauty and grooming treatments, or even a total? makeover.?

The same day Venus enters your sign, a helpful aspect between Mercury and Jupiter helps bring ease to your social interactions with others. Communication should flow for you this week. Friday, February 7, Venus harmonizes with powerful Pluto. You’ll be magnetic so hit the town and socialize.?

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16 february - 22 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe