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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, you are designing your future.

The week begins on Sunday, May 26, with the moon in Capricorn squaring the North Node and South Node. You could have a career decision to make that affects your home life. Perhaps you were called back into the office or you have an opportunity to work at a different location. It’s also possible you’re thinking about changing jobs and considering the effect it will have on your family.

On Monday, May 27, Mercury in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces and your house of plans and schedules. Today, you’re a master planner, the architect of your future. This is a good day to look at short-term plans and long-term goals. Capricorn, consider writing out a five-year plan for yourself and putting the different milestones in your calendar.

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09 june - 15 june
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe