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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, you tackle something important.?

The week begins on Sunday, August 18, with Venus in Virgo squaring Jupiter in Gemini. Today could be a busy day and the beginning of a busy week. You might have overloaded your schedule, optimistically believing you could get everything done. On top of that, you might have a few social engagements and even out-of-town visitors. Your calendar is bursting at the seams.

On Monday, August 19, there is a full moon in Aquarius. Also, Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces and your house of business contracts and paperwork. Capricorn, you might feel challenged today when the promises don’t match the fine print. And this could mean you’re going back and forth on whether to sign a contract. Plus, Mercury is still retrograde, which means there are benefits if you wait.

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01 september - 07 september
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe