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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, you’re receiving interesting messages.

The week begins on Monday, January 8, with Mercury in Sagittarius and your house of relationships squaring Neptune in Pisces. Gemini, you could feel magically, wonderfully in love today, but this has less to do with the other person and more with your imagination. You have the ability to create mental pictures that make your heart pound. The person in front of you probably hasn’t changed at all, but you’re seeing them with new eyes.

On Tuesday, January 9, the sun in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus. You might receive sudden psychic impressions. Your intuition is very strong today. You could be divinely guided when it comes to communication and where you should go. Your angels and guides are standing close beside you.

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21 january - 27 january
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe