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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, you’re finding a better way.

There’s a new moon in Scorpio on Monday, November 13. Also, the sun in Scorpio and your house of daily routines opposes Uranus in Taurus. Breaking free of a stale process could give you some very beneficial returns. This means going against the grain and doing something in a brand-new way. And this could save you time, energy, or resources or save the company money. Today, you might innovate a better way to do something.

On Wednesday, November 15, Venus in Libra and your house of romance makes a quincunx to Jupiter in Taurus. There is some possibility of romance if the two of you can work out the differences in your schedules. The challenge is that one of you is going to have to give up or compromise something. Or maybe it’s possible for you to meet each other halfway (possibly literally halfway across town). If you can make this happen, it could be magical.

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24 november - 30 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe