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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, one small change makes a difference.?

The week begins on Sunday, September 15, with Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node and South Node. Libra, you could be challenged to step into a new role or be a leader. If you’ve been holding back, now is the time to step forward even if you’re uncertain whether you can accomplish the goal. Others see you as more capable than you see yourself. Today is a good day to believe in what you can accomplish.

On Tuesday, September 17, there is a lunar eclipse in Pisces. A daily change could make a huge impact on your life in a year. And it’s likely you know what kind of change you should make. It might mean less sugar or salt. It could mean drinking less coffee or switching to green tea. It might mean daily exercise starting today. One small change could make a big difference.

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This week
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe