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FEB 19 - MAR 20

This week, you are highly productive.

The week begins on Sunday, October 22, with Mercury in Scorpio and your house of contracts, agreements, and legal matters making a trine to Saturn in Pisces. No matter how complicated a contract is, you can unravel it today. Pisces, you might have to go line by line and look up every other word, but you have the necessary tenacity and attention to detail to do this type of work now.

On Tuesday, October 24, the sun in Scorpio trines Saturn. Now your house of education is lit up, and this means that you could notice whether you’re doing well in school or if you need to focus more attention on your studies. You might discover a different way of studying or make a connection with an adviser who can guide you. Pisces, you might be thinking about enrolling in school for the next semester or getting ready to teach a class.

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03 november - 09 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe