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NOV 22 - DEC 21

In Your Element

The sun and fiery Mars are powering through your sign this month, Sagittarius, making December a time of self-expression when you’re willing to take risks and showcase your leadership skills. This is your opportunity to project your best qualities out into the world for others to make use of and appreciate. It’s also a chance to work on those areas of your personal life that aren’t to your liking and, through bold and vigorous action, emerge victorious.

You’ll also be ready to get your needs met, and once again the energy of Mars will encourage you to go after whatever makes you happy. If you’ve been busy looking after the other people in your life, you’ll enjoy this chance to be little more selfish and revel in doing what you love.

The new moon in your sign on December 12 can be a jumping-off point to bigger and better things. New moons are perfect for new beginnings, so whether you want to initiate new habits, get moving on a project, or take a relationship to the next level, now is the time to go for it.

On the twenty-first, the focus shifts to your personal financial sector when the sun enters practical Capricorn. Its four-week stay here can help you get an overview of your current situation and set financial goals for the coming weeks and months.

If you’re ready to take advantage of the after-holiday sales, this focused influence means you’ll have a list of things to purchase and be sure to get the best deal.

The full moon in Cancer and your sector of finance, business, and transformation on December 26 can highlight areas that are ready for a shift. If certain people or situations are holding you back, this is the time to deal with them so you can move on in the new year.

Finally, buoyant Jupiter, your personal planet, turns direct in your lifestyle sector on the thirtieth, which means your progress is now assured.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe