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NOV 22 - DEC 21


Sagittarius, the cosmos is inviting you to dig deep and discover those issues or blocked emotions that might be preventing you from living the life you want. Are you having difficulties with finances, committed relationships, or business? Reflection can help you find answers. This is a good time to admit to any difficulties you might be having rather than keep them to yourself. A burden shared is a burden halved, so don’t feel bad about discussing your problems. You’ll feel better, and the solution might be easier than you think.

The new moon in Cancer on July 5 can be a great starting point for therapy, counseling, or teaming up with a life coach to help you overcome any limitations and move closer to the success you deserve. It’s also helpful for initiating business and financial moves tailored to your current needs and journey to success.

There’s also a gradual shift to the sign of Leo and your travel and adventure zone as Mercury, Venus, and the sun move in on the second, eleventh, and twenty-second, respectively. Little by little, you’ll feel freer and lighter as your focus moves from intense issues to a desire to get out and about and explore new terrain. You have an inbuilt sense of adventure, so this might be when you decide to go on a long journey through many countries or opt for a soothing and relaxing vacation to a place you’ve never been to before.

On July 20, go-getter Mars moves into Gemini and your relationship zone for six weeks, which adds extra energy and a proactive quality to your interactions. You’ll be ready to move in new circles that could be useful to you and your plans.

Finally, the full moon in Capricorn on the twenty-first aligns with Mars and Pluto, so it could be fairly intense. A lucrative opportunity that’s been waiting in the wings could come to fruition.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe