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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, what you want comes into focus.

The week begins on Monday, July 8, when Mercury in Leo sextiles Jupiter in Gemini and your house of relationships and partnerships. Sagittarius, you might be reading a book on relationships or listening to a psychologist talk about finding love. Today, you can gather information on how to find a better love relationship or change your current relationship into one that makes your heart sing.

On Tuesday, July 9, Jupiter in Gemini sextiles the North Node in Aries. Now you can take the information you received yesterday and apply it to your life. You’re on your path as you move toward deeper, more fulfilling relationships. And this positive energy can spill over into friendships as well as connections with family members.

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Improve your dating life and find “the one” faster with your Weekly Finding Love Tarot Reading.
21 july - 27 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe