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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, you might find peace at home.

The week begins on Sunday, September 24, with the sun in Libra and your house of friendships making a quincunx with Saturn in Pisces and your house of home and family. Sagittarius, you might be dealing with competing invitations today, such as a family reunion and a friend’s wedding or helping your brother move on the same day as a concert with friends. Today, you’ll need to make some adjustments and communicate with everyone involved to find a resolution.

On Monday, September 25, Mercury in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus and your house of work. You could receive recognition at your job today. Sagittarius, the boss might single you out in a company meeting, or you could get a glowing review from a client. Your business might also gain recognition through a podcast, article, or social media post reaching a broad audience.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe