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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, your advice is valuable.

The week begins on Monday, June 24, with Mars in Taurus making a semisextile to the North Node in Aries and your house of health and well-being. Today, you’re getting back on track. Scorpio, you might have strayed from some of your good health routines. You could go for a run in the morning, eat a fresh green salad for lunch, and read a book in the evening. Your actions are divinely inspired.

On Tuesday, June 25, Venus in Cancer makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of relationships. You might find it difficult to relate to someone because they’re unclear about what they really want. Their confusion muddles their communication. The twists and turns in their logic could leave you dizzy. This is not a good day to find clarity and common ground.

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07 july - 13 july
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe