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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, there are financial opportunities that sound good.

On Monday, December 11, Mercury in Capricorn and your house of communication sextiles Venus in your own sign of Scorpio. If you’re looking for love, you might connect with someone who has a great voice or an infectious laugh. Scorpio, other people could compliment your voice. Today, there might be love based on the sound of a voice.

There’s a new moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12. Also, Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn. Things are moving slowly, and it looks like you’re willing to pay to expedite what you want. But before you pay top dollar to make things happen quickly, ask yourself what you’re so impatient about. Scorpio, try not to be frustrated by the fact that people are ahead of you or that the line is long.

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22 december - 28 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe