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APR 20 - MAY 20

This week, you’re making an important decision.

The week begins on Sunday, October 15, with the sun in Libra and your house of daily routines making a quincunx to Uranus in your own sign of Taurus. There might be a bit of frustration today because everything seems to take longer than usual. There could be stuff in the way, or you might have to wait in a line or for someone to get off the phone. Taurus, take a deep breath and recognize that on some days there is no flow.

On Tuesday, October 17, Mercury in Libra makes a quincunx to Uranus in your house of leadership. You might be asked to make a snap decision. Someone has designated you as the one in charge, and you’re responsible for making this decision. They could be pressuring you to make it immediately. If you need more time, find a way to ask them to wait.

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27 october - 02 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe