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JAN 20 - FEB 18

New Discoveries

Are you ready for something different, Aquarius? The sun’s presence in Libra and your sector of far horizons until October 23 can be a liberating experience. You’ll be looking for new opportunities and the chance to travel, and you might want to study or just dive into new experiences. This is the time to move beyond your comfort zone, eliminate fear, and allow yourself to accomplish great things.

Talkative Mercury moves into Libra on the fourth, which will add to your enjoyment over the coming weeks. Its presence here will encourage you to reach out to others, make new friends, and learn as you go. The people you meet could be uplifting and a joy to be around.

There’s also a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, which could push you to embrace a challenge or bold opportunity. You want to travel around the world, work abroad, or do something extraordinary that could present quite a learning curve. If you go ahead, it will change you, and you’ll benefit from the experience you gain.

As the month continues, the emphasis gradually shifts to Scorpio and your sector of goals and career. Go-getter Mars moves in first on the eleventh,

followed by Mercury and the sun on the twenty-second and twenty-third, respectively. Your focus will be on pushing ahead toward your chosen goal by putting in 100 percent of your effort. You’ll be ready to give it your all.

Mars in this sector can make you very competitive. You won’t be at all squeamish about stepping on other people’s toes if you want to get ahead. But you could also clash with those in authority from time to time. Be careful, because this might not do you any favors.

The sun’s presence in Scorpio encourages you to stand out from the crowd by promoting yourself in an intense way. Avoid half measures and go full out.

Finally, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 could coincide with a revolution. Something on the home front is about to shift.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe