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NOV 22 - DEC 21

Enjoying Life

Sagittarius, the emphasis on your social zone encourages you to get out and about and inspires you to make new connections. This is a great time for networking and moving in new circles. If you’ve been thinking about joining a club or group that caters to your interests, this is when you’ll likely go ahead. The people you meet now could have ideas or opportunities that you find intriguing and want to be a part of.

And with a solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, someone you connect with could have quite a profound influence on your life. A meeting might turn into a positive collaboration, business partnership, or even romance. Something you create together could work out well for both of you.

As the month continues, the focus gradually shifts to the sign of Scorpio and your spiritual sector. Assertive Mars moves in first on the eleventh, followed by communicative Mercury and the sun a couple weeks later. Even though you’ll be busy, a side of you might be ready to reflect on your life and priorities.

This could be a time when you’re eager to make changes to your inner game. You’ll be very determined in this regard and perhaps eager to work with a life coach or teacher who can help you take the next steps on your journey. In fact, the coming weeks could be a time of intense transformation, and you might emerge from it feeling like a different person.

This is also a chance to tie up loose ends and find closure on issues that have been hanging over you and holding you back for some time.

Finally, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and your lifestyle sector that occurs across your spiritual axis on October 28. During this time you’ll be thinking deeply about your daily activities, any sense of being overwhelmed, and what you can do to make things better.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe