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JUN 21 - JUL 22

This week, you’re building a strong foundation.

The week begins on Sunday, August 4, with the new moon in Leo and Mercury going retrograde in Virgo. Mercury will be retrograde until Wednesday, August 28. Also, Venus enters the sign of Virgo where it will remain until Thursday, August 29. Plans and schemes around your finances are very strong during this time. You might be redoing your budget or looking at ways of managing money that put you on the road to prosperity. Consider meeting with your financial planner to discuss long-term money plans.

On Monday, August 5, Venus in Virgo makes a quincunx to Pluto in Aquarius. Cancer, you might learn a great deal about someone’s finances now. This could be a family member or close friend. If you’re dating, you could be sharing information about personal debt or income. This could be one of the most intimate talks you have with this individual.

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18 august - 24 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe