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MAY 21 - JUN 20

This week, you are the peacemaker.

The week begins on Sunday, August 4, with the new moon in Leo and Mercury going retrograde in Virgo. Mercury will be retrograde until Wednesday, August 28. Also, Venus enters the sign of Virgo where it will remain until Thursday, August 29. There is a lot of energy now around siblings, cousins, and family members in general. You might be asked to referee a disagreement between opposing sides of the family or help someone who is estranged come back into the fold. There is also the possibility of introducing a new pet into the family.

On Monday, August 5, Venus in Virgo makes a quincunx to Pluto in Aquarius. Gemini, there could be some challenges today due to incorrect instructions. Make sure that addresses are clear and appointment times are confirmed. This is especially true if you’re doing any sort of legal or official business today.

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18 august - 24 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe