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DEC 22 - JAN 19

A Transformative Journey

It’s time to go deep and get intimate with the sun in your 8th house of intimacy and shared resources. The 8th house is a complicated house because it’s connected to things like debts, taxes, shared resources with others, but also the spiritual and metaphysical side of life, and transformation in general. When the sun moves through this house, your focus can go to one or a couple of these things, depending on what the overarching theme of your life is at the moment.??

We kick off the month with a powerful new moon in Leo on August 4, which is a great time to do deep transformative work. You may take a look at the intimate relationship(s) in your life. Alternatively, you may choose to tackle financial obligations that have occurred in partnership with a spouse or business partner. Or you may seek out a loan, grant, refinance your home, or consolidate debts. New moons are about planting seeds that you want to grow over the next six months. You can make big strides after this lunation and set yourself up for a better future.?

This time of year is especially auspicious due to the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal. The alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in the constellation of Leo is an opportunity to focus on your manifestations and watch them unfold. This is especially important because it occurs in the days after the new moon, giving every sign an extra blessing from the universe to make your dreams come true.?

Mars and Jupiter spend the month in your 6th house of work and service. Mars has its “joy” in the 6th house and is a power planet for Capricorn, when it’s in this house. You’re known for being a workhorse, but this month you have the power to kick it up a notch, especially around August 14 when this aspect is exact. You are working towards a specific goal (per usual), and your discipline can positively impact your finances.?

Love and pleasure planet Venus moves into your sister sign Virgo in your 9th house of expansion the same day as the new moon. Venus is also connected to what we value, and rules your 5th house of creativity and your 10th house of career. You may feel inspired to take on a new creative project that involves a global aspect or has strong marketing behind it. You can attract a mentor during this time who can encourage you and give you a road map for navigating this opportunity.?

Mercury goes retrograde in your 9th house from August 5 through 27, so if you are thinking of traveling, make sure you have a project management-level checklist that goes through everything pertaining to your trip beforehand. If there are delays and hiccups, you will need to be flexible and go with the flow.?

The sun joins Venus in your 9th house on August 22nd for Virgo season. This is generally a harmonious time for you, and you may commit to upleveling your skillset in some way. Taking a class, reading about other cultures, traveling, starting the study of a new language, are all supported. However, with Mercury retrograde, if you’re going to travel, be prepared for potential delays and miscommunication.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe