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APR 20 - MAY 20

Home is Where the Heart is

Home and family matters are top of mind at the top of the month, with the sun in the 4th house, which governs your roots. A situation that seems like a disturbance or hindrance in your personal life, pertaining to your home or family members, may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.?

Around the new moon in Leo on August 4, you may have a financial obligation to take care of, but it’s better to handle it now than later. It’s a great time to tackle projects around the home that you’ve put off, or started and didn’t finish. The same day of the new moon, amorous Venus moves into Virgo, joining Mercury, in your 5th house of love, children and creativity. Why not make projects around the home a fun, family activity with friendly competition. Mundane tasks are more fun when they’re gamified.?

This time of year is especially auspicious due to the 8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal. The alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in the constellation of Leo is an opportunity to focus on your manifestations and watch them unfold. This is especially important because it occurs in the days after the new moon, giving every sign an extra blessing from the universe to make your dreams come true.?

With your ruler Venus in the house connected to pleasure, it's time to prioritize even the simplest things that bring you joy. Commit to doing at least one activity a day that doesn’t involve work or serving other people. When Mercury goes retrograde in your sister sign Virgo on August 5, you’ll feel more inclined to revisit the things you loved when you were younger. What were your talents and hobbies when you were a child? Something that once made your heart sing may reignite your creativity. Not everything needs to be monetized, but you may find that one of your hobbies can bring in some extra cash for you every month.?

August 19 is the most pivotal point of the month with the Aquarius full moon occurring in your 10th house of career and reputation. The full moon coincides with two T-Squares involving Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and the sun, moon and Uranus. There may be some unexpected news surrounding your career that directly or indirectly affects you. Be flexible.???

The sun joins Venus in your 5th house of love and romance on August 22nd for Virgo season. Be unapologetically yourself during this time and speak your mind. Mercury retrograde may conjure up a few disagreements with loved ones, but if there’s something on your chest that’s been bothering you, it's better to address than ignore it.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe