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DEC 22 - JAN 19

This week, a hidden talent is emerging.

The week begins on Sunday, December 3, with Mars in Sagittarius and your house of hidden talents making a quincunx to Jupiter in Taurus. You might feel it’s time to stop hiding from the world or, more specifically, hiding something you can do from the world. Capricorn, this is a time to reveal what you’re good at even though it feels like you’re taking a risk. This is good energy for stepping outside your comfort zone.

On Tuesday, December 5, Venus in Scorpio and your house of groups and organizations trines Saturn in Pisces. Networking pays dividends now. You might connect with people online who can open doors to new jobs or business opportunities. Capricorn, you might join an organization to help with your real estate investments or bring you coding clients. This is a good time to join a group that supports your profession.

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15 december - 21 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe