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FEB 19 - MAR 20

This week, you’re doing things the right way.

The week begins on Sunday, December 3, with Mars in Sagittarius and your house of career making a quincunx to Jupiter in Taurus. You could have a breakthrough with a sudden understanding of what is standing in your way of success. You might realize that to push forward you need to take a risk. This doesn’t mean risking your money so much as learning to believe in yourself. Today, you could cross over that line that separates the average you from the extraordinary you.

On Tuesday, December 5, Venus in Scorpio and your house of education trines Saturn in Pisces. If you’re in school, you might get an A+ on your project. Pisces, you could ace a test, or you could move to the top of the class. In business, you have the right answers. You can do well with contracts, agreements, and complex computations. This is a good day to lean in to something that’s difficult.

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15 december - 21 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe