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JUL 23 - AUG 22

This week, you get some good news.

The week begins on Sunday, October 8, with Mars in Libra and your house of paperwork and contracts squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Leo, you might find yourself involved in a power struggle that is connected to a contract or legal matter. Your desire to win might lead you to consider using any means necessary, but this approach won’t lead to a true victory. Instead, it would be better to seek help, advisers, and general support before moving forward. Consider enlisting the assistance of a lawyer, or look for allies who can help you navigate the situation and find a clearer path forward.

On Monday, October 9, Venus in Virgo and your house of money and finance opposes Saturn in Pisces. If you’ve been following a budget, you might now find it intolerable and want to ignore any spending limits. Leo, you could wage an internal struggle between what you want to do and what you know you should do. Your future self would likely advise you to do the right thing even if it feels challenging in the moment.

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20 october - 26 october
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe