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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, you have a good plan.

The week begins on Sunday, October 8, with Mars in Libra and your house of friendships squaring Pluto in Capricorn. Sagittarius, it would be easy to have a falling out with a friend today. It’s possible that your friend is acting selfishly or immaturely in a particular situation. However, trying to change their behavior right now could lead to resistance. If you value this friendship in the long term, it’s better to take a step back and focus on working on yourself rather than trying to change someone else.

On Monday, October 9, Venus in Virgo and your house of social status opposes Saturn in Pisces. Deep down, you understand that success comes from hard work, but now you could feel a bit frustrated and unmotivated. Sagittarius, you might be envious of others who seem to have an easier path to success. Or you could feel that your efforts, especially on social media, aren’t receiving enough attention. Use this day as an opportunity to reaffirm your goals and redouble your efforts toward a worthy cause.

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20 october - 26 october
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe