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SEP 23 - OCT 22

Lifestyle Choices

There’s an emphasis on your lifestyle sector this month, Libra, so this could be a time when you make new choices that help you be more productive. It’s your opportunity to streamline your affairs, jettison activities that no longer serve your best interests, and take up habits that will help you reach your goals. There’s also a focus on your health, which might encourage you to make a few changes so you can reach a state of well-being that you’re happy with.

Convivial Venus and dynamic Mars will be in your sector of creativity and romance until March 11 and March 22, respectively. And during this time there could be opportunities to dive into new hobbies, get back into the dating loop, or get to know someone with a view toward taking a relationship further.

The new moon in Pisces on the tenth encourages you to take focused action to reach an important goal. Whether it’s related to work or health, this is the day to take those first steps toward making it a reality.

When Venus and Mars move into Pisces and your lifestyle zone, there is the potential for romance at work, but there are also opportunities to socialize with people you see every day. Again, this might involve colleagues at work, as well as friends you meet at the gym or a similar setting.

The sun’s move into Aries and your partnership sector on March 19 encourages you to take stock of your current situation and make any necessary improvements. This is a very proactive sign, so if you sense that something needs attention, you’ll be ready to deal with it.

Finally, the lunar eclipse in your sign on the twenty-fifth brings the potential for a major shift. This is a chance to let go of anything that no longer serves your best interests. By doing so, you can open up a space for new possibilities.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe