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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you’re putting things back into balance.

On Monday, January 22, the moon in Gemini opposes Venus in Sagittarius. You might start the day in a good mood that continues well past sunset. Libra, this is a good day to do a little traveling. Go have some fun. Even if you’re working today, try to find a way to play. This is a good day to enjoy yourself.

Venus enters Capricorn and makes a semisextile to Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday, January 23. You might need to smooth over some things at home. A family member might be irritated, or there might be a minor feud between two relatives. You are always the peacemaker, so you might need to step in between these two sides to find a way for everyone to get along. Today, you’re likely the only one who can keep your cool.

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04 february - 10 february
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe