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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you have things together.

This busy week begins on Sunday, July 21, with the full moon in Capricorn and Mercury in Leo squaring Uranus in Taurus. Also, the sun in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces. And finally, Mars in Gemini and your house of travel trines Pluto in Aquarius. Libra, you like balance in your life, and on a day like this, so much is happening in your life and in the world that it can feel like the scales are out of whack. In pinball, this is called “tilt.” There’s just too much going on at once and the world seems to be shaking under your feet. You’re naturally good at being proactive and connecting with the right people. Let other people feel overwhelmed while you keep the lines of communication open.

The sun enters the sign of Leo and your house of friendships and community on Monday July 22. Later, the sun opposes Pluto in Aquarius. A friendship could unexpectedly become a love relationship. An acquaintance might ask you out. What you thought was a boring first date could turn passionate quite quickly. This could be an exciting time.

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04 august - 10 august
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe