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FEB 19 - MAR 20

This week, you’re drawing people to you.

The week begins on Monday, April 1, with Mercury turning retrograde in Aries. Mercury will be retrograde until April 25. Something that you had the willpower to not buy earlier now seems to be all you can think about. Pisces, you might give in and purchase the thing that you said you weren’t going to buy. Mercury is retrograde, so if you do make a purchase now, make sure it’s returnable.

On Tuesday, April 2, the sun in Aries makes a semisextile to Saturn in Pisces. Someone could hand you extra responsibilities. They might tell you that you’re so good at the task that you should handle it from now on. This might leave you feeling frustrated, but it’s likely there’s nothing you can do about it today. Just make a mental note that you’ll be having a discussion with this individual in the future.

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13 april - 19 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe