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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week it’s okay to indulge.

The week begins on Monday, April 1, with Mercury turning retrograde in Aries. Mercury will be retrograde until April 25. Someone from your past could return. It’s possible you’ve been thinking about this person, and they just happen to call you. Or you dreamed about them, and now you bump into them at the coffee shop. One thing could lead to another, rekindling the ember of a romance into a bright flame.

On Tuesday, April 2, the sun in Aries makes a semisextile to Saturn in Pisces. A work routine could be particularly frustrating today. Someone in management might give you a new way of doing things that’s slower and less accurate than the old way. And this could have you fuming because you already have a full list of things to do. Libra, you might have to have a talk with your supervisor, but do it on another day.

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13 april - 19 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe