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FEB 19 - MAR 20

This week, you are speaking your truth.

The week begins on Sunday, November 5, with Jupiter in Taurus and your house of music and dance making a semisquare to Neptune in your own sign of Pisces. Everything is very fluid today, and you might feel rather unfocused. Pisces, your intuition is stronger than usual, and your creative abilities are off the charts. This is a good day to paint, sing, dance, or figure out a way to combine all three.

On Monday, November 6, Venus in Virgo and your house of relationships trines Pluto in Capricorn. Today, you could be obsessed with your love relationship. If you’re already in a committed partnership, you might feel great love for this person. At the same time, they might express to you how deeply they feel about having you in their life. If you’re looking for love, this is an excellent day to find someone with whom you feel very attached.

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17 november - 23 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe