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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, a problem is solved.

The week begins on Sunday, November 5, with Jupiter in Taurus and your house of relationships making a semisquare to Neptune in Pisces. Today, you and your sweetheart can have a magical time. This is good energy for romance at the fantasy level. It isn’t so good for meeting a deadline or showing up somewhere on time, so keep that in mind as you get together with your beloved.

On Monday, November 6, Venus in Virgo and your house of friendships trines Pluto in Capricorn. Scorpio, you might get together with one of your more powerful friends. And this person could open your mind to some extraordinary ideas. These might have to do with investments or business opportunities. Or they might tell you something about yourself that gives you a new level of self-awareness.

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17 november - 23 november
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe