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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you gain a special understanding.

The week begins on Sunday, October 1, with Mercury in Virgo making a semisextile to Venus in Leo and your house of reputation. Today, you could get some unexpected publicity. Scorpio, you might be in the background when someone is shooting a video or news story. You might be interviewed and find out you’re on TV. You could receive an invitation to be on someone’s podcast.

Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn and your house of mental activities and calculations on Tuesday, October 3. Today, you’re willing to dig until you find an answer. You are able to gain a deep understanding of a topic. If you’re in school, you might be cramming for a test or researching a paper. Scorpio, this aspect is also quite good for mystical studies as well. This is a time to delve into your astrology chart, palmistry, or numerology. You can uncover secrets about yourself and others today.

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13 october - 19 october
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe