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AUG 23 - SEP 22

This week, you’re exploring new paths.

The week begins on Sunday, October 1, with Mercury in your own sign of Virgo making a semisextile to Venus in your house of solitude and quiet. Today, you want to withdraw from the world. You want to put on a set of headphones and escape. Virgo, you might go into the wilderness and commune with nature where there is quiet and peace.

Mercury in Virgo trines Pluto in Capricorn and your house of romance and adventure on Tuesday, October 3. You could make a connection with someone through body language. You could mirror what they do so they feel more attracted to you. Virgo, you might notice their eye movements and when they’re thinking of the past or future, or how they cross their legs and whether they’re moving toward or away from you. Today, you can use psychology to find love.

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13 october - 19 october
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe