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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you have a head for business.

The week begins on Sunday, November 26, when Mercury in Sagittarius and your house of money trines the North Node in Aries. Today, you could receive a windfall. Money might come to you from a successful business transaction, good sales from your side business, or a gift from someone you know. Scorpio, this is a good day to send out invoices or contact someone who owes you money.

On Monday, November 27, Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces and your house of romance. You and your sweetheart could have the most romantic time, or it could dissolve into confusion. If you focus on beautiful thoughts and lovely sentiments, you might be dancing in each other’s arms. But if you try to focus on concrete ideas, you might only end up muddying the waters.

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08 december - 14 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe