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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, you’re ready to launch.

The week begins on Sunday, November 26, when Mercury in your own sign of Sagittarius and your house of confidence trines the North Node in Aries. Today, you could receive an opportunity worthy of your talents. Sagittarius, the curtain is about to open, and it’s time for you to step onto the stage. This is great energy for a launch.

On Monday, November 27, Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces and your house of family. Your family might not understand all your plans. In fact, they might not really get you at all. This is not the day to try to clear up that mystery. Sagittarius, you can give them a vision of where you’re heading and see if they can comprehend it. If not, you might need to leave them with some platitudes.

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08 december - 14 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe