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MAR 21 - APR 19

Dynamic Action

You’ll be eager to get moving on your brightest dreams and plans, Aries, which include those ideas and projects that are closest to your heart. The sun in your sign until April 19 is perfect for projecting your best qualities and leadership abilities out into the world and showcasing your best talents. If you want to be seen and heard, don’t hold back.

Lovely Venus enters your sign on the fourth, bringing a desire to socialize into the mix. You’ll also be very charming and attractive, so use these qualities to the max.

The new moon in Aries on April 8 is your chance for a new beginning. A fresh start awaits if you’re ready to take the initiative. What dreams and plans are your priority right now? Create a strategy and start working on them.

Chatty Mercury rewinds in your sign on April 1, so it would be wise to tread with care and expect delays as you go. You might find that it takes a few tries to build the momentum, but with patience you’ll get there.

The sun’s move into Taurus on the nineteenth enhances the emphasis on your sector of money and finance and encourages you to deal with any lingering issues in this area. It’s also a chance to focus on moneymaking activities and even introduce a side hustle.

On April 23, a full moon in Scorpio angles toward Pluto, so this could be a highly emotional day when a financial or other key matter comes to a head. You might need to make a decision that you’ve been putting off for some time, but going ahead could feel like a relief.

Finally, fiery Mars, your ruler, enters your sign on the thirtieth, which will put the sparkle back into your life. You’ll be firing on all cylinders and ready to take the world by storm.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe