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NOV 22 - DEC 21

Unique Opportunities

You’ll be busy shouldering responsibilities around the home this month, Sagittarius, but with the sun in Aries you’ll also be looking for ways to enjoy life and indulge in your favourite activities. The weeks until April 19 are great for diving into new adventures and enjoying the chance to let off steam in the process.

The sun is in your creativity sector, so if you have creative skills and talents, this is a good time to showcase them to the world. Your fresh and spontaneous approach to anything related to art or crafts could net you an appreciative audience.

Delectable Venus will be in Aries from the fourth to the twenty-ninth, which is a great influence for enhancing romance. And if you’re eager to socialize and make new friends, it seems that you’ll be in demand.

On April 8, there’s a new moon in this sector that ties in with celestial Chiron, and this can bring you a chance to resolve a romantic issue. If you and another are ready for a fresh start, this lunar phase can help you with this.

Lifestyle matters become more of a focus as the sun glides into Taurus on the nineteenth. Over the next four weeks, you might cast a more critical eye over your current routines and be ready to make a few changes. You might also realize how inefficient certain aspects of your life are, and this could act as a spur to do better.

Finally, the full moon in Scorpio on April 23 can also be a call to look more deeply into your work/life balance. If you feel tired a lot of the time, this lunar phase could highlight this fact and encourage you to do something about it. You might need to factor in more downtime and opportunities to enjoy yourself.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe