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JUL 23 - AUG 22

Fresh Adventures

Leo, you might be in the mood to travel and have all kinds of adventures as this month gets underway. The sun in Aries until April 19 encourages you to explore new terrain, enjoy breaking out of your everyday routine, and have some fun in the process.

Even so, when chatty Mercury turns retrograde in Aries on the first, there is the chance of delays and frustrating circumstances. Whatever you have planned, prepare well in advance and give yourself plenty of time to get there.

Lovely Venus moves into Aries on April 4, highlighting your most attractive qualities. This could be a great opportunity to travel with your partner and rekindle the flame of romance at the same time. If you’re looking for that special person, you could meet them while you’re on vacation or engaged in any activity that involves leaving your comfort zone.

The new moon in Aries on the eighth could coincide with a decision to grab an opportunity that is something of a challenge. If you’ve wanted a chance to grow and stretch yourself, this could be it. At the same time, this lunar phase aligns with healing Chiron, so a trip or journey could begin a healing process that’s very much needed right now.

The moon eases into Taurus on April 19, so the coming four weeks will be a chance to stand in the spotlight and promote your skills. You aren’t generally shy in this respect, and you might even enjoy the chance to have all eyes on you. The net result could be more clients, a promotion, and a chance to move upward in the world.

Take it easy at the time of the full moon in Scorpio and your home zone on the twenty-third. It forges a lingering angle to Pluto, which hints at a disagreement that likely involves someone close and could affect your family. Care might be needed if you’re to unravel the strands and resolve it in a way that moves things forward.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe