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MAR 21 - APR 19

This week, a new direction opens up for you.

The week begins on Monday, April 8, with a solar eclipse in your own sign of Aries. An eclipse in your sign signals a change. This change could be something that happens in the moment and ripples through your life, or it could be a decision you’ve made that will unfold over the next six months. The Universe can help you if you initiate the change yourself. Aries, consider doing something different today.

On Tuesday, April 9, Venus in Aries makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of finance. Today, something you want to buy is out of reach, or the budget you’re trying so hard to stick to doesn’t allow it. So you might be looking to change your money circumstances. This can happen by finding ways to increase revenue or sticking to your budget and finding a way to do without the thing you want to buy.

To read more of your weekly horoscope, subscribe to Astrology+.

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20 april - 26 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe