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APR 20 - MAY 20

This week, you stand out from the crowd.

The week begins on Monday, April 8, with a solar eclipse in Aries. People around you might be stressed. There could be changes happening at your company that affect coworkers. Or there might be a big change in the family that has people talking and wondering about the future. Today, you might get caught up in the riptide of people’s emotions.

On Tuesday, April 9, Venus in Aries makes a semisquare to Uranus in your own sign of Taurus and your house of personal expression. Today, you might stand out from the crowd. Taurus, you could be chosen to speak for the group or as the leader of a project. You might stand out sartorially by wearing bright colors or a really snazzy outfit.

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20 april - 26 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe