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OCT 23 - NOV 21

This week, you’re getting new information.

The week begins on Monday, April 8, with a solar eclipse in Aries. The secret to better results now is to change your daily routines. The things you want to achieve are going to manifest through tiny actions, and this solar eclipse energy challenges you to alter what you do on a minute level. Scorpio, a small change in course could help you arrive at a totally different destination. Today, do something different from what you’ve done before.

On Tuesday, April 9, Venus in Aries makes a semisquare to Uranus in Taurus and your house of relationships. You might feel great indecision about a romantic connection. There could be plusses and minuses about the relationship. Or you might sometimes feel very attracted to the person and sometimes feel like you want to run away. The Universe is asking you to think this through. You don’t have to make a decision now. Just consider both sides.

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Improve your dating life and find “the one” faster with your Weekly Finding Love Tarot Reading.
20 april - 26 april
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe